Certain elements that must be taken into consideration when looking at a Biomass Boiler.
The first one I want to discuss is 'who is going to install the boiler.' All I would suggest is, do your initial homework so you can ask the right questions. You don't want a salesperson providing you with a boiler, you want a technician.
This is because when dealing in commercial biomass, it is important the design & sizes are accurate, otherwise the boiler will just not function properly.
Examples of common faults are incorrectly designed fuel stores that cannot take the required delivery or requires a large amount of manual intervention, to over/undersized boilers, pipe work and pumps.
That is why CPSL Group pride themselves on their technical knowledge & ability to problem solve, ensuring the right system is supplied to their clients.
The next question to ask yourself is 'what are you going to burn?' Perhaps you have a never ending supply of woodwaste? Perfect! However, many people will need to buy that woodwaste/woodchip in from an external company. These costs should be accommodated into your returns. All I would suggest is, if you're going to buy the woodchip in, ensure it is BSL (Biomass Supplier List) registered. Too often, people get lured into the cheap material (Dust like material).
This will more often than not, cause issues for your boiler. You pay for what you get!
However, Biomass Boilers technology is developing constantly. CPSL Group are able to supply boilers that can deal with Grade A-C woodwaste and a boiler that even deals with RDF.
Recently, there has been a huge concern for waste companies unable to export their RDF. Well now, you could burn it instead efficiently. Interested?
For more information on our Biomass Boilers, please contact one of our technicians and we would be more than happy to help.